11 Energy Clearing and Re-Centering Techniques

In any given moment we may be overwhelmed by noise, crowds, stress, anxiety, or emotions. Stress builds and over time depletes the adrenals, raises blood sugar and the heart rate, and takes a toll on mental wellness. You may also be sensitive to energy, the energy around you, the energy of others, and within.

It is normal to feel overwhelmed at times and not know how to recalibrate or re-center. When experiencing fatigue, irritation, anxiety, or other sensations and feelings, it’s important to take a moment and ground yourself! Breathwork is one way to help balance and center yourself when feeling stressed, but there are LOTS of tools accessible.

These methods are also great for people that work with others, are sensitive or provide care for others (whether in a healing capacity, spiritual way or physical way).

Here are 11 different ways to clear your energy and re-center yourself!

  1. Herbal Cleanse

    Light some incense, herbs, or ethically sourced sage and waft the smoke all over your body. This is an ancient and well-known way to clear your energy and the energy you carry around you. What is not as well known is how important it is to do your hands, face, ears, hair, legs, and feet. Front and back! These are vessels of expression and perspective! So clear that energy out, and open up your ears, eyes, and connection to the earth.

    Rosemary, cedar, mugwort, eucalyptus, and incense are all great alternatives to the sage that is often used!

2. Imagine a Cleansing Light

Take a moment and stand up tall. Take a deep breath and imagine a cleansing light filling your whole body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. You can get detailed and imagine this light entering the space between your muscles and joints and even into your cells!

After a few minutes, scan your body for anything that feels stuck, heavy, negative, or painful, and send that light to the area, allowing the cleansing light to clear it out and help it release. Take a deep breath and move forward energetically and spiritually refreshed.

3. Move and Shake Your Body

One of the simplest methods to re-center and clear the body, mind, and soul is to move, shake, bounce, and dance (more on dance in the next tip).

If you are feeling irritated, overwhelmed, or tired, and lethargic, start to bounce, shake, or move your body. You can start sitting or lying down but move to standing at some point. Feel your feet on the ground and stamp your feet, shake, and let out any stuck energy so it is no longer weighing you down.

4. Ecstatic Dance!

Now that you are already standing (wink wink), put on some music that really makes you want to move. It can be any genre or type, as long as it makes you want to move. Start dancing however, it feels good to your body. Get deep in there and be as erratic as you need to be.

This isn’t about looking sexy or having good rhythm, it is about shaking loose stuck emotions and getting in tune with your body. Ecstatic dance is deeply therapeutic. If mobility is a challenge for you, you can also do this sitting down or on the floor. Give yourself lots of space and move however you feel you need to.

5. Brush the Energy Down

This works well in a moment of heightened emotions. or when remembering something difficult and feeling emotionally activated.

Take a moment to gently and lovingly, brush the energy down towards your belly. I have talked about this before as the womb space or the center of power, right below the belly button. In heightened emotions, we are often speaking or feeling from the throat or chest, which indicates it is triggering something challenging. Brushing this energy down to the belly puts it in a grounded perspective and helps to clear out the emotional tie so you can see it differently.

6. Shower or Bathe It Off

Water is a known cleanser, both physically and spiritually and that daily shower can be used as a maintenance technique or during a challenging time. While in the shower, intentionally imagine all the worries, stress, anxiety, and hurt washing away. Really feel the cleansing wash over your head, through your hair, and down your whole body. As you wash yourself with soap, imagine the soapy bubbles scrubbing and cleansing everything off. If you are in a bath, as you let the water drain, stand in the water and feel what you need to cleanse go down the drain with the water.

Afterwards thank the water, water is a sacred support to be acknowledged and appreciated.

7. Drink In Light

Water can carry intention. When drinking water, imagine the water infused with a healing, clearing, and luminous light. As you drink feel this light go down your throat and fill your body.

This can also be used as an intentional moment of mindfulness, to get you out of your head, and back into your body and the present moment.

8. Yoni Steam or Pelvic Steam

Steaming can help clear the body of congestion and stagnation, while also helping to clear the sexual organs, energetic field, and body of heavy energy, ties to people or events that are draining our energy, and anything else that is blocking the chakras or pathways to healing.

Read my posts on steaming and explore how the conscious use of herbs, water, steam, and ritual can help clear and re-center you.

9. Sit on the Ground

If you rarely spend time connected to the Earth, that disconnection can make it harder to hear your inner wisdom and truth and feel pushed off your balance. It also increases feelings of loneliness and depression.

A quick way to connect to the grounding and healing energy of the Earth is a beloved technique used in many spiritual circles. Sit down on the ground (outside if possible but inside is good too!), take a deep breath, and imagine a root dropping deep down into the Earth. Let it delve deep through the floor/ ground, layers of concrete, soil, rock, or sand, and all the way to water, crystal, and the core of the Earth. As you drop this root down, let go of what you need to clear.

You can imagine lots of roots, or just one, and as you let go to Mother Earth, connect with the power, light, and love that Earth has to share. The root(s) take out what you need to clear and the energy of the Earth restores and rebalances you.

10. Cord Cutting

This technique can help to cut away from people, places, events, or things that need to be released and are fueling a connection that is draining or repeating patterns or habits you want to end. A basic cord-cutting protocol goes like this:

  • Scan your body for where you feel an attachment to the person, event, memory, or situation

  • When you feel it (it may feel like heavy energy, it may feel like a pain or cramp, or it may just be emotional activation in the chest, back, stomach, etc.), take your dominant hand and grasp that energy and begin to pull it out and away from your body

  • As you pull it out and away from your body, imagine all the attachment going with it, be decisive and intentional. If you want to, use a power statement like “I remove this from my body, now and forever”, or anything else that concisely helps you focus on the intent of cutting the cord

  • Continue this in the same place or wherever else you feel a cord until you feel complete

  • Take a moment to scan your body and feel the shift within

11. Luminous Egg Field

Finally, the luminous egg visualization. This is part clearing method and part protection method.

Get comfortable somewhere quiet, or put away your phone and other distractions. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, as you do so, imagine your body filling with white light, and as you breathe in and out expand this light to envelop your whole body. The exhale of your breath clears out any stuck, heavy energy and makes more space for the light.

See an egg-like barrier that surrounds you in every angle, glowing, luminous, sparkly, and bright. Create this barrier before going in public or into crowds, or when heading into a situation you feel will be difficult.

These are just some of the methods and techniques you can use to clear your energy and re-center yourself. Do you have a favorite, or have you tried any of these? I want to know! Share your experiences!

With Love,



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