How To Work With Eclipse Energy and Moon Phases

For centuries, human beings have been looking up at the sky and its constant transition as a way to understand our existence and place in the universe. Eclipses, full moons, and meteor showers have been considered everything from bad omens of doom, to monsters eating the sky, to prophesies of unity and peace. Keep reading for a high-level overview of the big 4 and their general themes and 3 ways to work with these big energies and find your own wisdom amongst these astrological transitions.

First things first, know which energies you are working with. Every month we have a new moon and a full moon and multiple times a year there are solar and lunar eclipses that can be seen in certain parts of the world, as well as meteor showers.

If you want to work with the basic, high-level energies of these events, and not necessarily the specific themes associated with the planets, stars, and astrology signs in each phase, you can always default to release work. In this way, you can connect with your own intuitive wisdom and ask the heightened energies of these events to help you catalyze, clarify, or project your intentions!

Here are the general themes to work with, outside of doing astrology deep dives into house placements, planets, and more. With any of these energies, no two are the same for any one person. That means you may feel tired, overwhelmed, sensitive, energetic, scattered, or even…nothing. The next time around it may be the opposite or what you felt before may be enhanced. This is why taking some conscious time and space for these energies is an important piece in building our wisdom and connection to the rhythms and cycles of life.

The Big 4

New Moons: Every month, the moon and sun are in the same position which hides and skews the view of the moon from Earth. This is considered the beginning of the lunar phase and therefore you can think of the new moon as a time of intention, seed planting, and preparation for what you would like to grow. Some energies of the new moon to be aware of include:

  • reviewing what happened previously, what you learned, and how that can enhance and clarify your intentions

  • intention setting (what would you like this next phase of the month, or your life to look like)

  • releasing and clearing out energies, thought patterns, or habits that will get in the way of your intention

  • New Moons are especially good for physically planting seeds or plants/herbs, taking care of your plants indoors and outdoors, and metaphorically seeding or planting. This includes creating the right environment for what you want to plant or start

  • There is a stronger connection to the Earth and creating a comfortable nourishing home environment

  • We can also think of the fact that the moon is hidden from view as a symbolic review of our shadow side. The sky is darker, and the light of the moon is hidden (therefore what is hidden from you, what are you hiding from yourself, what aspects of yourself do you avoid, feel ashamed of, or keep secret?)

  • Introspection, body connection/scanning, meditation, shadow work, or conscious stream writing are examples of different ways you can connect with this shadow side of self and get clarification on how to move forward with an honest intention

Interestingly, the only time we see the moon in this phase is when a solar eclipse happens and illuminates the silhouette of the moon. A new moon yields a darker sky which means stars and planets are easier to see. That itself is a beautiful metaphor for finding the gifts within our shadow self!

Full Moons: In this phase, the moon is fully illuminated by the reflection of the sun. It is considered the end of the lunar cycle. The full moon especially has been used by people all over the world for centuries to understand the passage of time, when to harvest or plant, and when to perform certain ceremonies or rituals. The full moon is associated with wild and ripe energy. Some energies to work with during a full moon include:

  • Full illumination, insight, and truths can be revealed, working with your own release and review practices is important (what happened, what worked or didn’t, what was your role in it, how would you like it to be different, etc.)

  • Use the heightened energy and power that is naturally available to call in your intentions more fully, abundance rituals are popular during this time but you can also use them to get projects completed, express yourself, and put yourself out into the world

  • Lavish in your gains at this time. Pleasure work is important, as we cannot build a healthy cycle of abundance if we don’t take time to appreciate and fully experience what we already have!

  • Gratitude work and sharing your blessings are also nice ways to honor this time. What do you appreciate about what you have, what you achieved, or how you see yourself changing? How can you share your abundance with others?

  • There can be increased dreaming, intuition, psychic gifts, and womb wisdom during the full moon. Activate, connect, and become aware of these gifts. Listen to them, practice them, and act on them

The full moon is also associated with sex magick and expression. Symbolically, as the moon is fully illuminated, you can soak in the energy of that light and charge yourself. That charge can be used to propel your intentions, build your attraction, and may even show you how to be more confident (it can also highlight where you feel insecure, fear being seen, or struggle with positive self-image!)

Solar Eclipses: This happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. Solar eclipses cannot be viewed by everyone on Earth at the same time as they are only visible in certain parts of the world when they happen but that doesn’t mean the energy isn’t affecting everyone. The moon affects the tides all over Earth, and the water in our own bodies, and during this time the moon is blocking the sun’s energy. Solar eclipses occur about every 6 months. Symbolically they represent:

  • Heightened energy, sensitivity, emotionality, and vibration

  • People, animals, and insects can react to this increased energy and therefore you may want to increase your protective boundaries energetically, emotionally, and physically (some supports for this include smoke cleansing your home, body, and even home property, energy clearing techniques and taking flower essences like Rescue Remedy)

  • An up-leveling of your vibration, personal power, and on the flip-side an increase in your triggers, blockages, or insecurities that need to shift in order for this raised vibration to occur. This also means that there is deeper healing potential during this time!

  • More fatigue, tiredness, and sensitivity can occur, including feeling more dreamy and having enhanced dreams. Getting extra sleep is important, resting when you need to from physical work and even emotional work and doing a dream journal can help move this fatigue through you and awaken your intuition while maximizing the healing messages coming through to you

  • If you feel increased anxiety, fear, sadness, or other challenging emotions, take extra time for self-care, be with people you love spending time with, or reflect on your strengths to support a more positively aligned perspective

Lunar Eclipses: These only occur during a full moon. They happen when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, resulting in the Earth’s shadow obscuring the Moon and often creating a red glow. Lunar eclipses enhance the energies of the full moon and in some ways may bring more drastic changes, transformations, or endings. Themes include:

  • Clarity or the revealing of things that have been suppressed, hidden, or left in the shadow

  • Enhanced sensitivity, emotionality, fatigue, exhaustion, and a desire to hide, sleep, or make big drastic changes. Watch for reactivity

  • The increased power of cleansing, clearing, releasing, and making space for your own re-births, healing, activations, or expression

  • A stronger awareness, desire, or longing for connection to the Earth, Universe, spiritual pursuits, introspection, deeper purpose and meaning, and empathy for humanity and life on Earth

  • Spiritual awakenings or growth have a stronger impact during this time

Because a lunar eclipse happens with a full moon, but the Earth is shadowing the light and illumination of that full moon, the energies can be extra intense but call for different things. Depending on the person, it may present as exhausting and even bring up old wounds, for others it may bring up anger and push them towards impulsivity.

A combination of release work and activations can clear out the baggage and use these heightened, potent energies to really create movement in an area of your life and personal growth! But first, a lunar eclipse will highlight for you where you are out of balance and what needs your attention. Listen to your dreams. Watch for signs out in the world from animals, insects, and nature. Pay attention to what triggers you or grabs your attention and listen to the numbers, words, music, or themes that are attracting you during this time.


With any of these events, the following can be used to help you move the energy and vibrations through your physical and energetic body and connect with your wisdom. It’s important to listen to the signs that are coming to you and give yourself rest, space, reflection, or release as needed!

  1. Ground Yourself. Grounding can help with those feelings of overwhelm, spaciness, sensitivity/emotionality, and confusion. The best way is to sit or lay on the physical Earth and imagine dropping your roots down into the ground. If you can’t do that, sitting in a chair or on the floor works too. Drop your awareness down to your belly, through your legs and feet, and into the ground. Taking deep breaths in and exhaling out of the mouth, letting out sounds, and releasing frustration or pent-up emotions will do wonders! Ecstatic dance/movement can also help you connect in with your body, get grounded, and move emotions out.

  2. Dream Work. If you are remembering any part of your dreams during these events, take note! Write down what you remember and see what you can discern from what is happening in your life and what you are feeling or struggling with to see what insights your dreams are giving you. This can be powerful and support you in healing and releasing. Get my dream guide to learn how to understand your dreams here.

  3. Release Work. During any of these energies and events, release work is always beneficial. If you don’t understand everything that is happening, release work will help clear out what is ready to go, and if you do understand and have a good knowledge base of the planets, astrological alignments, and themes, then you can tailor your release work even more. Release work is so important during these times as in each of them, we are being invited to let go and make space for more. More light, higher vibration, more authentic expression, a deeper connection to the cycles of life, healing our pasts, and realizing our dreams!

    1. Traditionally salt baths and smoke cleansing are two of the most popular ways to help us clear and release. They work and they are common practices in many spiritualities for a reason.

    2. Write down what you need to let go of and release on paper, then physically swipe and wipe them away from your body. If you can scan your body and feel where they may be attached (this is similar to cord-cutting), then pull the energies from your body. Afterward, rip up the paper into small pieces and let them go in the wind or burn them.

    3. Many releases have an emotional attachment. Get in tune with your feelings, acknowledge them, and express them! It may require a good cry, screaming, talking out loud, or moving your body (like through ecstatic movement and dance) to get them flowing and help you let them go. Pleasure work and orgasms are another way to help release. In this instance, self-pleasuring alone may be best, as most people feel safer to fully express themselves alone.

Lastly, if you are finding these energies overwhelming and don’t know where to start. Taking a few moments to get quiet and alone is important. Becoming mindful and checking in with your body, will help you ground naturally. Many people avoid this because as soon as they get quiet and alone they are faced with the struggles and challenges they are avoiding. This can be uncomfortable, scary, and sometimes even painful. However, suppressing this will only lead to mental, emotional, and even physical health problems.

Get quiet in a space where you can be alone and undistracted. Check-in with yourself and call in your Spirit Guides, Guardians, Angels, and Ancestors to support you, help you, and protect you. That in itself, is a powerful and beautiful way to work with any of these energies or any time you feel you need support!

Honorable mentions include the equinoxes, or changing of the seasons, meteor showers and portals (like the Lion’s Gate Portal), super moons, and solar flares. But one post can’t address them all. This is by no means a definitive guide. Astrologers and various religious or spiritual belief systems will have other ways to work with these big energies and have their own associated meanings though there are overlapping themes.

Take a read of my 11 Energy Clearing Techniques for more information or consider the Menstrual Empowerment Course to work deeper with your cycles through the menstrual well-being of the body, mind, and soul!

The Menstrual Empowerment Course


11 Energy Clearing and Re-Centering Techniques