A Fall Ritual for Change

During this season of transition and change, fall has a lesson to share with us. I also have a fall ritual to support you in getting clarity and support during any shifting or changing you may be experiencing.

I have started to notice that around the time of fall, I tend to desire a change of some kind. I instinctually crave some kind of shift or the ending of something, to begin another anew.

When I became aware of this, I first thought how fickle it was. I judged myself for the realization that I always wanted to do or experience something new and had outgrown where I was.

But as the judgment subsided, I noticed how this intuitive dreaming and desire to shift, grow, or change felt exciting, liberating, and expansive to me. How my soul was happy and curious. How I was looking forward.

And not looking forward from a place of scarcity or lack. Not because I hated where I was but because I was grateful, fulfilled, and satisfied with what I had learned and experienced. And therefore, ready for a new adventure or lesson.

And that had me questioning, how one could know that a desire to move on is from a place of balance and not from a place of lack.

Because when decisions are made from lack, fear, anxiety, or desperation, they have a heavy, energy-draining, and negative quality to them.


Noticing the thoughts that surround the choice or change can give a lot of information about what is behind it. Dissatisfaction itself isn’t negative if there is a balance of gratitude and appreciation. Are you blaming or judging yourself or others? Putting away your power, or giving it over to someone or something?

A common thought might be something like “I’d be happy if only…. this happened, that person changed, I had this or that”. Fill in the blanks according to what applies.

Another indicator is how long have you been agonizing, worrying, thinking, and stressing about it. Because change feels worse the longer we drag it out. I have fallen for this a few times, waiting for the perfect situation, the exact opportunity, or the world around me to move in the way I want it to before changing or making a decision. This has always felt draining, it has always diminished my light, my motivation, and my self-esteem.

Fall Sadness

Whereas when I intuitively followed my insights, my inner knowing, or my nudges, no matter the outcome, it was energizing, interesting, and expansive. The more we move with this wisdom, transitioning swiftly like the season of fall, or blossoming quickly like spring, the more we smoothly flow with life and creation.


Fall is a transitional season. It is meant to be a temporary phase that sheds, cleanses, and releases what is no longer needed, before moving into the hibernation and restoration of winter. Have you ever noticed how quick fall is?

One day the trees are ablaze in yellow and orange. And then before you know it, the leaves have fallen, the air is cold, and the frost starts coming?

Applying that to a natural ending and slowing down, or shedding in our lives, whether that is something circumstantial or physical (where you live, the state of your home or body, etc.), a relationship of some kind, a hobby, interest, or dream, or an emotional or mental state. Let it die if it needs to. Let it be quick and shed what needs to be shed.

Then rest.

It is during this natural shift that transformation and regrowth can happen more easily. A death or change is necessary for growth. We watch the earth around us doing this constantly. Our cells do it consistently, as does the menstrual cycle.

So, take care. Nourish and nest so that as fall inspires release you are well supported and, so too are your new circumstances, energy, perspectives, or goals.


If you have been feeling a need for a shift or change in some way, or are overwhelmed with conflicting feelings and thoughts and are unsure of what it is about and what you desire, try this fall ritual. It can also be used to clarify intents and goals going forward.

  • Go outside where there are trees or plants in transition (leaves changing color, dying off, or falling).

  • Make an intention to connect with the spirit of the plant or tree in transition. You can even provide an offering that feels right (such as some water to the plant) and ask for them to share their wisdom with you. This is part of having a reciprocal relationship with the land and plants that support us.

  • Sit down or stand in front of the plant or tree and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply and exhale out any stress or tension, repeating as many times as you need to before you feel grounded and calm.

  • Then drop your awareness and energy into your belly, right below your belly button. You can place your hand here if it helps.

  • Ask out loud or to yourself: 

“What is it that I need most right now?”

Trust the answer, whether it comes as images, feelings, sensations, or words.

  • Then ask the tree or plant:

“How do you live with transition in a natural state of flow?” or “How can I go with the flow of transition the way you do?” You can adjust the wording to what feels and sounds right to you.

Trust the answer.

  • Ask any other questions that feel relevant and trust what arises. When you are done, thank the tree or plant for sharing their wisdom with you and begin to feel and imagine what you will be like, feel like, or experience with this wisdom and trust.

  • Tap it into your body, breathe it in with your breath. Letting the feeling and awareness of being in flow with transition or change flood your body and spirit.

Afterward, you can draw back in these feelings and intuitive knowing any time you feel overwhelmed, unclear, or uncertain. Remember that the answer is within you and the simple actions, steps, or perspective needed are available to you.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi


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