A share on my first shamanic drum journey, a bit about what they are, and how you can participate in one with me!

The first Shamanic Drum Journey I experienced was online, and it was to meet my Power Animal.

I had no idea what would happen if anything at all. Part of me worried I would have nothing, feel nothing. For some, drum journeys are vivid, busy, and intense, and for others, they are light and vague. I didn’t have a clue what the animal would be and was driven by that curiosity. I got myself comfortable on the floor, pulled a blanket overtop me, and covered my eyes. Within moments the drumbeat had me melting into the floor, relaxed and calm. Drumbeats have a natural and special place in our hearts as humans. From an Indigenous perspective, they are said to mimic the sound and feeling of being in the womb and hearing our mother’s heartbeats. It is not a coincidence that cultures around the world use the drum in ceremonies, healings, and in gatherings.

And so, as the journey picked up, I did indeed meet my power animal and felt the presence of others as well. A glimpse into the next journeys that would be coming where I would meet my Shadow animal, my birth animal, and many others. The journey began by creating a place of safety and power in the spiritual realm, and I was moved by the landscapes that unfolded before me, recognizing it as a place that felt like home.

Then I called in my animal, the one animal that is most like my essence in this lifetime, and was again moved to emotional recognition, gratitude, and a feeling of deep support. I journeyed as this animal and spoke with them. When the drumbeat was done, I stretched my body softly and blinked, as I looked around me with wonder. Is this who I am?

For many, the animal that makes itself known is often a surprise. It can be any animal, predator or prey, big or small, winged or with scales, or hooves. This discovery is a deep and beautiful recognition of how our pure spirits come into this lifetime, and how we may align our life experiences from a place of deeper authenticity.

Shamanic Drum Journeys use a specific rhythm of drumming to support the person in relaxing and letting go of the mental chatter while entering a soft trance-like state. No substances are used, and the journeyor is always guided back and given time to rest and integrate the journey they went on!

I have found that journeying is a place where I feel very comfortable, as a triple Pisces, an old soul, I love to lavish in the outer worlds and explore. What I was not expecting was the connection with this animal (and the subsequent others) to bring something out in me, showing me a view of myself that I only dared to imagine.

Afterward, I researched my animal, watched videos, read about the spiritual and physical associations, and realized, in a somewhat tentative way, that this animal, now acknowledged, was asking me to be my higher self. As I learned more about the animal I recognized it within myself and felt more self-acceptance and a release of some of the ways I criticized or pressured myself! When stripped down, releasing stories, self-criticism, judgment, and limitations, there is a soul essence in each of us that intuitively knows our strengths and gifts. This essence was once free as a small child and is asking to be remembered.

In these journeys, each person meets their own animal, with its own wisdom and special gifts. Once that connection is acknowledged, the two can come together and the power of the animal can be weaved into your life, your perspective, and your unique dreaming.

I am currently offering free shamanic drum journeys (online over Zoom), as part of my training. If you are interested in this connect with me and we can discuss what it may entail, what to expect, and decide if this is the right path. Shamanic Drum Journeys have had a big impact on my life, helping me to foster my spiritual side from a place of strength and love, and I am honored to share them and their medicine!


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